07932155843 Opening Hours 9.30 am to 7.30 pm


Apply to adopt a dog Sweet, little Laico is just 18 months old. He has a soft, short, tan coat with a bushy tail and very big stand up ears! Laico has a small to medium body and he is fully grown now. He sleeps well in his crate and in general he is a friendly, laid...


Apply to adopt a dog Stunning boy Obi is a 3 year old Podengo from Portugal and he has a smooth, short tan and white coat and he stands at medium height. Poor Obi is looking for a new home, due to his familiy’s break up and not through any fault of his own. They...


Apply to adopt a dog   Well what have we here? A very pretty, cream, roug- coated Podenco x by the looks of it? This gorgeous girl is called Claudia. She’s a medium sized girl, with a lush, fawn, rough coat. She can be a bit timid in new situations but she has a very...


Apply to adopt a dog Handsome Paco is a medium-sized, young boy (18 months) and he has a honey brindle, short coat. He likes other dogs, as you can see in the video and is yet to be cat tested. He is being assessed now for lead training and he enjoys his walks. We...


Apply to adopt a dog You would be forgiven for thinking pretty Miley pup is a Dalmation, but she isn’t – she’s a mixed breed and possibly has Dally and Pointer in her make up. She will be medium-sized and she has a short, smooth, white with black...


Apply to adopt a dog This beautiful girl is Wilma, she’s a 6 months old, wire haired, Podenco x and is a very sweet natured and loving girl. She stands at medium height and gets on with other dogs and people very well.   Wilma was found abandoned as a 5 week old...


Apply to adopt a dog Boo is a big, beautiful, tan and white, Mastin boy who was found abandoned, very dehydrated and skinny in summer 2024. From the moment he was found, he was just the most adorable and lovable boy craving lots of cuddles and affection. Although Boo...


Apply to adopt a dog Milo is a bright, loving, little Frenchy and he likes to be next to you at all times. He is good with his food – always sitting and offering a paw before you place his meals. He takes treats from you very gently. He does pull a little when...


Apply to adopt a dog Misty is one of the adorable puppies from our CUTE puppy litter. Little baby Misty is still available for adoption, look at how beautiful she is, with her black fluffy coat. Misty was rescued from local fields and is a very lucky girl as she ended...


Apply to adopt a dog ​This little chap is Elmo. a small terrier JRT x with a black and tan coat. Poor Elmo is confused why he has ended up in the pound, he hasnt been naughty, so why has this happened? Elmo is very frightened and it will take time for him to trust....


Apply to adopt a dog This pretty girl is Yeri. She looks a lot like a Trail hound/Pointer but its hard to make out what she’s mixed with, but she sure is an attractive, young lady.   Standing at medium height, with smooth, tan and white coat, she is a delightful...


Apply to adopt a dog Beautiful Skyla is a young girl (around 11 months old),  standing at medium height with a black silky, short coat. We think she is Pointer x lab and she has the most gentle and laid back character. She loves other dogs but has not been tested on...
